1st Futsal Campus – Pizarras Los Tres Cuñados, F.S.

Monday 4th of September 2023 welcomed the first Futsal Campus organised by the club Pizarras los Tres Cuñados, F.S., to the delight of girls and boys from the Valdeorras county. Participants enjoyed a week of futsal with coaches from the official team and other surprises.

The press reported on the children’s visit to the K08 factory and quarry at Casaio de Valdeorras. It was a full and instructive day for the children, and a source of real pride for the K08 team!

On the last day of the camp, the children received a medal for their perseverance and good behaviour. We’ll definitely repeat the experience.

Source: Facebook – Pizarras Los Tres Cuñados, F.S. – Newspaper: O Sil.