Slate’s exportations increase in almost a 4% interanual

Between January and November of 2019, quarries exportated 446.205 tons of slate, a 3.9% more than previous year, 2018. This translated to euros means that 243 million were invoiced, which represents an increase of 5.2%.

According to export statistics, France has increased its imports in more than 5.646 tons, which is 5% more than in 2018. This puts the country at the top of the list, with a total of 187.236 tons. UK shows an increase of 4%, and numbers rise to 136.403 tons. Germany, third country in the ranking, bought 59.331 tons, increasing the percentage by 3% then.

If we speak about billing, France increases quantity in 5 million euro, overtaking 100 million, while UK goes to 3 more million euro, with almost 67 million euro. Germany, with almost 32 million euro, is the third country in the ranking.